Friday, May 28, 2004

The Magic of “Thank you”!

Being sensible is one of the greatest attributes of human nature. I would define it as the ability to perceive, logically analyze and express the impact of an occurrence; any occurrence.

In due course of our day to day activities, I believe, that a major percentage of incidents around us goes unnoticed.

“The roads that I take for jogging always appear litter free. Yesterday, when I returned, I had littered the very spot that I just passed! It had always been like that; but today I happened to notice it! And then I found my parking spot intact for me, devoid of any invasion! I get my ironed clothes and break fast sharp at 8. All these and many more which is part of a routine; never thought of how and when. I enjoy the privilege of being treated well; may be because I had been the best in all my actions.

The burger that I had yesterday was very tasty. I could have even had the foil! Of course I had to restrain myself from submitting to the last bit of cream on it, owing to the social implications! The foil… and where would that be now? The last thing I remember is seeing it fly off thorough my car window. Would it have it the sweeper on the pavement? Not that I bothered, just fooling around with thoughts.”

The thoughts lingering around, I was trying to see myself as one of the most privileged individuals of this society. But once I emphasize on my ability of perception, I had it all viewed in a different angle. This is where I for once start to analyze.

The pavement was neat. It gave a perfect atmosphere for me to complete my jogging. It was provided to me by the sweeper who cleaned the streets overnight. My watch man made sure I get my usual parking lot and my beloved mother made my bed, ironed my clothes and had my break fast ready at 8.

A little thought made me ask another question. I love my mother for sure, but the sweeper and the watch man… I never ever have met them. I never do a good to a stranger, unless of course recommended by any one I know. Then how could some one do some thing good for me? Of course they are paid for it. It is part of their job. The real question was were they happy with the job or is there a motivation in them to make sure that the stage is set for me to perform?

One thing I know for sure is that for what ever things I do at my office, I would enjoy my boss coming back and letting me know his appreciation! The next day I moved my car in. I had the same watch man who stood to open me the door. “Thank you”. I wispered with a quick smile. It hardly took a couple of seconds. I could see his face lit up! I should add here, it made me happy as well! That evening, when I returned to get my car, I found it clean. My watch man had his place occupied in the corner. Smiles exchanged. “I am a better man today.” Was it my inner voice?

I wish I saw the sweeper. One day I might. But there was a greater thing to do.

I went home; for the first time in weeks, I sat down with my mother and had dinner. I spoke to her about many things. I kissed her good night, “Thank you for being there for me.” The glitter in her eyes… it spoke of the most ever lasting feeling, ‘Love’.

Now I thank any one for any action I see to be good. I see that it is good and it has improved my life. I see smiles whenever and wherever I walk, see people. This is magic. This is the impact my little thought had made to my life.

Once you are done with this passage, I thank you for the time you spent with me!

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Why should I pray?

Lot of us wonder about the purpose of life. The perception that one holds on life reflects on their thoughts and actions. With a normal personality, one should not struggle much with the thoughts of being self. The problem comes when one is prompted to think on self in relation with another.

The man who crossed the road would have made no impact on me, had he not come under my car. The women I saw at the ATM would not have mattered, if she had not given a glance. I would have never gone there, had it not been for my friend. This is how life takes its course! For some this turns out to be advantageous and for some, not. But the important thing is to be aware of the possibility that every time one makes a move a lot of other factors are impended on. That women I saw at the ATM might turn out be my wife a couple years from now. The man who crossed the road could have made me spent a few years of my life in detention.

Once this realization is made, the mystery of life starts unfolding in front of our eyes. We feel pain just because it makes us realize the value of a smile. My loses makes me treasure my victories. The person who came under my car would some time become my greatest friend and I may not ever see the other women. My life goes on… till one day I take an off and see for myself where I am. The day I would remember the point where I had an old women cross the road and got her blessings; a leaper was denied any alms. Then I sit down and think of how the string has taken me thorough the years, what went right and what not, what could have been changed and what not, if something could have been changed, then how?

The real food for thought is when I exactly found time to sit back! Am I late, that I have things too complex for me? To me any time is perfect until one has the courage to look at ones own life, the will power to say that I went wrong and the wisdom to sort it out. This is what a prayer can do to you, a time off to oneself and the necessary courage, power and wisdom!