Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Snap Shots

It may be called one of the most common views on the street, but the picture of a man and a dog lying down for a nap together brought out some thoughts in me. The man had found comfort under a blanket on the footpath and the dog over it. They both had the warmth they longed for, though the man had an extra shield from the mosquitoes singing out for food.

The level of co existence at this canvas was surprisingly enormous. I felt that it reflected on the extravagant ego culture in the society. The poor man, beaten by luck, did not mind the less fortunate dog sharing his comfort. It was probably of his circumstances that he had been compassionate. Then I found an article in the paper about an abandoned child at St. Martha’s Hospital at Bangalore. The girl child was just 5 hrs old when found!

I hope and believe that humanity has not lost its compassion. The child was adopted. If only we could get over our selfish and irrelevant ego, the world would be a better place to live in.


Blogger srikanthsastry said...

That's capitalism for you.... that's where the entire world is heading. Things are only going to get less personal and less...human :(

3:34 AM  
Blogger Ambar said...

@semantic overload: Don't mix two unrelated concepts. Why the misconception that capitalism means a lack of compassion?

2:29 AM  
Blogger Jubilant said...

I believe that where ever a selfish motive is nurtured, humanity would be at the receiving end.

9:20 PM  
Blogger Ambar said...

I disagree there. Humanity as a whole is just the sum of individual 'selfish' behaviour. As long as the degree of selfishness is within bounds, and rationality is maintained, all the better for humanity as a whole.

P.S: thx for dropping by jubilant, but that was a group blog, my blog is

2:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let those who have, give to those who are less fortunate than them.The poor man on the street had a blanket to protect him from cold so he shared it with the dog who was less fortunate than he was!The infant who was abandoned had a mother who was not willing to keep her so it was good on her part to depart from the child.She is adopted because a willing mother have come her way.Dont think that the mother who abandoned the child was less compassionate; might be her circumstances didnt allow her to keep the child.There are many homes where children are brought up ,thry rnt orphans still they are in an abandoned state! People dont realise whether in this 21st century they should be humane and compasssionate.

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was nice.j

1:35 PM  

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